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Unknown tag in VF pages - IDE - Eclipse 3.4 and Winter 10

A few days ago, I was running Eclipse 3.3 (Europa) + Summer 09. 

In the IDE I observed that (finally), apex tags on VF pages were no longer marked as 'unknown tag' with squiggly yellow underline

Then, I installed Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) + Summer 09.  Now, the IDE shows apex tags in VF pages as 'unknown tag' with the squiggly yellow underline.  


What did I do wrong here? Is the SFDC Summer 09 plugin Eclipse version dependent?


Exact details


Eclipse 3.4.2


Message Edited by crop1645 on 09-17-2009 11:36 AM
Message Edited by crop1645 on 09-17-2009 11:36 AM
Message Edited by crop1645 on 12-18-2009 02:52 PM
same problem in Winter 10; VF page editor in Eclipse IDE + ganymede results in squiggly yellow lines under all apex tags

Still happening in Eclipse 3.5 update. I get the feeling that the eclipse plugin isn't a high priority project at SFDC. How many releases and they still haven't implemented 'Full VisualForce Support' yet?



See here for resolution: