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User Lookup for Customer Portal Users?
On a standard SFDC page, user lookup fields have a drop down to the left of the input field where you can select "Standard User", "Partner User", etc (for examples, click the "Change Owner" link for any record). The drop down corresponds to the User.UserType field.
I have a VisualForce page where I have a user lookup <apex:inputField />. Of course, the UserType picklist isn't displayed for me, and when I search for a user, it's restricted to only Standard users. I need to be able to search and choose a Customer Portal user.
I just noticed that one of the URL parameters in the Lookup popup when I open it from my visualforce page is "lktp=StandardUserLookup". If I change the UserType picklist on the standard page to "Customer Portal", the parameter is "lktp=CustomerSuccessLookup". "CustomerSuccess" is the internal value for Customer Portal user types.
How can we change that parameter??
Did you ever find a solution for this? I am encountering the same issue and was curious as to how you solved this. I am thinking about population a SelectOption List to overcome this.
I have been informed that this has been fixed by the development team and is awaiting inclusion in an upcoming maintenance release.
I know this is an old post so I am reaching for an answer here, but I am having this same issue. I have created a custom look-up field on an Account and need to be able to choose from both standard users or portal users to populate this field. It appears the only option is standard users and I cannot seem to find anytime that would re--create that drop down on the standard user look-up that allows for user or portal user selection before looking up. Any assistance available on how to fix this??
Are you talking about using this field within the portal, or within your regular environment? If within your regular environment, you simply need your internal users to be able to select a Customer Portal user, this functionality already exists. However, you have to go into the record edit mode for the picklist to appear. I probably spent 4-5 HOURS today trying to find a workaround or a way to do this today. I NEVER would have thought that going into full edit mode would have changed what was available from the inline edit lookup. Frustrated, but glad to have got an answer and a fix. Thank you so very much for your assistance!
I know this is quite an old post but can you please spend some time and help me to get partner portal dropdown value on custom visualforce Page. I have simple Requirement"
On the click of a detail page button one popup should be open where we can change the owner. Bases upon owner selection I need to render one table (which is working fine), Problem is I am getting only standard users & Queues in dropdown."
Looking at the comments I can see that I need to to do in full edit mode. I have only 1 inputfield which is ownerID, I have put
<apex:inlineEditSupport disabled = true> for my <apex:form> but still it is not working. Please help me as it is really urgent.
Thanks in Advance
Code Snippet:
<apex:form > <apex:inlineEditSupport disabled="true"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Selected Case Details" columns="2" collapsible="false">
<apex:outputField value="{!currentCase.casenumber}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!currentCase.ownerid}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!currentCase.Appointment_Date__c}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!currentCase.Appointment_Time__c}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!currentCase.Site_Location__c }"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!currentCase.subject}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title=" Please select new user to view the schedule" collapsible="false">
<apex:inputField value="{!currentCase.ownerid}" id="field" >
<apex:actionSupport event="onselect" reRender="table1" action="{!showcases}">
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem ></apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
<apex:inputfield value="{!currentCase.Notify_new_owner_of_booking__c}" label="Send Notification Email"/>
Thanks for bringing it up again. I am breaking my head around this too. Anybody can offer help here?
Srinath R