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Billing Address Field

Hi All,


I am having trouble trying to access the Billing Address standard field on an Account object and I am

looking for some help.


I am using the following in a visualforce page:




but this gives me an exception saying "invalid field"? but I do not have any trouble accessing, for example:

the lead_source stabdard field:




I am aware this may be somthing simple so would appreciate any pointers.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Hello danlat;
There is no field named "BillingAddress" in salesforce database.
You have to build the address as below.







 As you believed the answere was simple:)

All Answers

Hello danlat;
There is no field named "BillingAddress" in salesforce database.
You have to build the address as below.







 As you believed the answere was simple:)
This was selected as the best answer



prageeth, thanks for the reply, that worked. Im now gonna bang my head 

against a brick wall..:smileyhappy:

kavya g 3kavya g 3
Hi Guys...

before save address is cleansed on lead.

similarly, can we perform address cleansing on Standard opportunity page before click on 'save' ??

if yes... how it can achieved?
if No... why??

Thanx in advance.