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j_id0:j_id10:euCountry1: Value is required --- Help me clean this up.
When you use apex:selectList or apex:inputText you get this nasty error message. Something like this:
I could live with this for internal apps but I am now working on a site that will face customers and partners so this won't fly.
Is there anyway to clean this up? I have many other apex:inputFields with required set to true so I can't do inspection on the apex side to see if the field is null and then display a nice clean message as the requiredness of the other fields prevents the apex from executing.
Any ideas? Workarounds?
VisualForce errors can be rather cryptic when using the Required="true" tag. You can replace the "j_id0:j_id10:" values with ID's by adding an ID tag to the Page and Form tags. It's still not necessarily a pretty message though.
I think in the past I gave on up using Required="true" and did validation in Apex using page Messages or through JavaScript.
Best Regards,
Then it looks like this, not much prettier....
Page has 25 inputs so I was hoping not to do this with apex or javascript.
I have an answer that even I don't like. You can use the apex:message object, attach it with for="yourid" and assign a special class to it. Then use an onsubmit or oncomplete to call some jquery or something to fix this crappy message. That is the best I could think of. It doesn't accept the title of the field, the alt of the field, or the title of the apex:message object. Crazy.
Yup, this is what I was looking at doing right now. It would go something like this.
<apex:message styleClass="customError" for="euCountry1"/>
//Renders this:
<span class="customError">page:form:euCountry1: Validation Error: Value is required.</span>
//Button, must include rerender for this to work properly.
<apex:commandButton value="Submit Registration" action="{!save}" status="submit" rerender="form" oncomplete="cleanErrors();" />
<apex:includeScript value=""/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function cleanErrors(){
$('.customError').each(function(index) {
$(this).html('<strong>Error:</strong> You must enter a value');
This is not ideal but it gets the job done. It is better than verifying every field for null in apex. Thanks for the help.
Why is it that we need to write a separate JS for the function? Can't you just make the field free flowing and no have the backend check.
Instead use,
fieldname.adderror('Error name');
in Apex Code to add error on the field.
If you have fields with the attribute required="true" and they are not filled in apex is never executed.
I think he means why not disable all of them and only use Apex to validate the fields. Seems tedious for something you could whip into jQuery with very minimal code.
The only reason is becuase I don't want to maintain 25 if statements.
I'm still currently debating on whether to use a hybrid approach with Required="true" for inputFields and javascript for other inputs or javascript for everything.
I have the smae problem. But my form has only four required fields. So I would 'nt mind getting this solved with apex.
But even tha apex does't seem to work. I would appreciate if anybody help me write this small apex code to validate a field.
I am not getting how to validate a fied.
I am capturing the field value in a string in the controller.
And I have written the following validation:
if(email==' ')
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Email is required field'));
Need help with this ASAP.
Thanks in advance.