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twistSection is not defined (javascript error for pageBlockSection)
Why do I get "twistSection is not defined" javascript errors for the following use of pageBlockSection?
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="OEMTeamReportController" showHeader="true" tabStyle="account" standardStylesheets="true" title="OEM Services Team Resources"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock title="OEM Opportunities for Review"> <apex:repeat value="{!accounts}" var="this_account"> <apex:pageBlockSection title="{!this_account.acct.Name}" columns="1" collapsible="true">
<table class="opps_table">
I'm getting the same problem also. It appears to be working on one page and not another. I'm unable to locate the problem.
Shikibu - have you found the solution to this issue yet?
If you add the following script section to the page it will work properly. Not sure why the script is not loading correctly..
function twistSection(twisty, sectionId) {
//twistSection code from
var parentDiv = twisty;
while (parentDiv.tagName != 'DIV') { parentDiv = parentDiv.parentNode; }
var headerId = sectionId || ('_'))[1];
var div = parentDiv.nextSibling;
var elemWasOn = false;
if ( != 'none')
{ = 'none';
twisty.className ='showListButton';
twisty.alt = twisty.title = 'Show Section - ';
elemWasOn = true;
{ = 'block';
twisty.className ='showListButton';
twisty.alt = twisty.title = 'Show Section - ';
elemWasOn = false;
I found another possible workaround. Inject a fake pageBlockSection immediately after the wrapping pageBlock. This forced Salesforce to inject the missing twistSection function.
See apex:pageBlockSectionItem collaspe or expand throws “twistSection is not defined” JavaScript exception