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Visualforce SOQl



I am constructing a search page with where condition and order by condition.  I have 5 conditions which are selected from the page and for the 6 condition, I always select 'Active' as the value.


For example :


if queryStr contains the query to be executed, this is how its going to be


queryStr= 'Select id, name from products where'

If(other == true)

queryStr+= 'or product_type <> null' etc with other conditions


but the last condition I want is status needs to be active(which is a text data type)


so I tried,


queryStr+=  'and status = 'Active''';


obviously this is not working and I can't figure out a way to do this. I tried assigning Active to a variable and use that in the string but that does not work either.


Pls. help . this is a production issue and I would have to add the active condition so search returns correct value.


I have very limited experience in VF, so this very basic question




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

because the generated soql needs to have the active quoted, e.g.


queryStr += "and status=\'Active\''; 

All Answers

Judging by the schema, you want 'and isActive=true'
Thanks Simon, but the Status field is string with 2 possible values 'Active' and 'Not Active'
Then what you have should be fine, perhaps you can explain how its not working.

The Query already has 4/5 conditions and I want to add a final and to the condition (status = Active) condition


if queryStr contains the query to be executed, this is how its going to be


queryStr= 'Select id, name from products where'

If(other == true)

queryStr+= 'where product_type <> null' 


so my querystr will be here

Select id,name from products where  product_type_c <> null and also other conditons


now I want the query to look like  

Select id,name from products where  product_type_c <> null and subtype  = '123' and status__c = 'Active'

My querystr has till subtype = 123, but I am struggling to add status__c = 'Active' towards the end.

I tired doing this


QUeryStr +=  ' and Status__c =' +  'Active'  ;

This does not work. I get the following error. 



Error: Error occurred while loading a Visualforce page. 
Error: unexpected token: 'Active' 

Hopefully I am clear otherwise pls. ask me I can explain



because the generated soql needs to have the active quoted, e.g.


queryStr += "and status=\'Active\''; 

This was selected as the best answer
Thanks that helped