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How to test for no records returned in 'apex:repeat' statement?

I am trying to figure out how to test fields (included within a apex:repeat) to see if they are blank, or null, and if so display some alternate text (Ex: No records to display) in the table instead of a blank table.  Example code snippet below:



<apex:repeat var="auditList" value="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r}">
	<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Audit_Type__c}" />
       	<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Delivery_Date__c}" />
	<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Review_Date__c}" />


Thanks for any help or suggestions! 



use apex:outputPanel before rendering apex:repeat code.



<apex:outputPanel id="dataPanel" rendered="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r.size() > 0}">
    <!-- your apex repeat code -->
<apex:outputPanel id="blankPanel" rendered="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r.size() == 0}">
    <!-- error message code -->






Thanks for your reply.  I Tried your suggestion (copy of code below), but receive the following the following error when trying to save/deploy:


   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: Unknown function relatedTo.Site_Audit__r.size. Check spelling.

Result:  FAILED  

Problem: Unknown function relatedTo.Site_Audit__r.size. Check spelling.


Is the syntax incorrect?  Thanks!


<apex:outputPanel id="dataPanel" rendered="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r.size() > 0}">

	<apex:repeat var="auditList" value="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r}">

			<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Audit_Type__c}" />
			<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Delivery_Date__c}" />
			<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Review_Date__c}" />


<apex:outputPanel id="blankPanel" rendered="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r.size() == 0}">

			No records to display.






Sorry forget to remove brackets :smileyhappy:. 



<apex:outputPanel id="dataPanel" rendered="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r.size > 0}">






I was curious about that myself and actually tried that format after it failed the first time.  It still fails with the brackets removed with the following error:



   Result:  FAILED
   Problem: Invalid field 'size' for SObject 'Site_Audit__c'.

Result:  FAILED  
Problem: Invalid field 'size' for SObject 'Site_Audit__c'.



Copy of code:



   <apex:outputPanel id="dataPanel" rendered="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r.size > 0}">
    	<apex:repeat var="auditList" value="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r}">
				<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Audit_Type__c}" />
		       	<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Delivery_Date__c}" />
				<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Review_Date__c}" />


Thanks for all your help!



I don't know what you have written in your controller class but for your reference see the sample code(Already tested).

VF Page
<apex:page controller="TestListSize">
    <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!TestData.size == 0}">
        No Record Exists
    <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!TestData.size > 0}">
        <apex:repeat value="{!TestData}" var="td">
            <apex:repeat value="{!}" var="dt">
Apex class
public with sharing class TestListSize {

    public TestListSize() {}

    public List<WrapperTest> getTestData() {
        List<String> data = new List<String>();
        List<WrapperTest> dataTest = new List<WrapperTest> ();
        dataTest.add(new WrapperTest(data));
        return dataTest;
    public class WrapperTest {
        public List<String> data {get; set;}        
        public WrapperTest(List<String> dataList) {
            data = dataList;







I am referencing a Custom Object in this case; it is part of an email template that produces attached PDF.   Full example code is below (irrelevant parts omitted):




<messaging:emailTemplate subject="BLAH" 

<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >

Email message goes here....


<messaging:attachment renderAs="pdf" filename="{!}">

<apex:stylesheet value="{!$Resource.seancss}"/>
<div class="pageBreak">  
 <h4>Site Audit Delivery </h4>
       Date Delivered
       Date Reviewed
    	<apex:repeat var="auditList" value="{!relatedTo.Site_Audit__r}">
				<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Audit_Type__c}" />
		       	<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Delivery_Date__c}" />
				<apex:outputField value="{!auditList.Review_Date__c}" />



Given that I am referencing a Custom Object and not a controller class perhaps this method will not work for more?  Maybe I need to try a test using one of the custom operators (Ex: ISBLANK or ISNULL)?  I gave that a shot, but was unsuccessful unfortunately.  Thanks again for all your help on this...truly appreciated!!  



I ran into this issue today, here's how I solved it:




<!-- Workaround for getting the size of a related list -->





<apex:pageMessagesummary="No records "severity="info"strength="2"rendered="{!auxList == ''}"/>


<apex:pageMessagesummary="Has records"severity="info"strength="2"rendered="{!auxList != ''}"/>