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populating the data on VF page2 based on parameters we gave on page 1
hi friends,
I am trying to create a webpage for the guest users where they can edit their details whenever they want without entering into salesforce. So i created a custom login page for the users where user enters user id and email which are stored on Lead object prior. So it checks for the userid and email if they are true the user should be navigated to the second page where i have listed some lead fields as inputfields.
so my target is when the user logins in in the second page the Lead fields should be prepopulated based on the userid and email that havebeen mentioned by user in the first page.
Cab anybody help me in building the logic for prepopulating those fields.
found the solution for the problem we can write controler extension class to populate the data
public with sharing class preference { string leadid;
public Lead led{get;set;}
public preference(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
{ // get the id of the quote and store it in quoteid this.leadid=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('paramID');
if(leadid!=null||leadid!='') {
getdetails(leadid); }
public void getdetails(string leadid)
{ List<Lead> leads=[select id,User_Id__c,Email,Phone,Title,HasOptedOutOfEmail,A_H_Interest__c,Aftermarket_Interest__c,Construction_Interest__c,D_O_Interest__c,Energy_Interest__c,Environmental_Interest__c,Financial_Enterprises_Interest__c,Healthcare_Interest__c,Manufacturing_Interest__c,Property_Interest__c,Real_Estate_Interest__c,Technology_Interest__c,Windstorm_Notification__c from Lead where Id=: leadid];
{ led=leads[0];
} else
{ } }
public void savedtls() {
Lead l=led;
update l; }}
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Please refer to the below post, wher you can find information on passing parameters from one visualforce page to another visualforce page.
hi thanks for your reply but my problem is totally a different case.
found the solution for the problem we can write controler extension class to populate the data
public with sharing class preference { string leadid;
public Lead led{get;set;}
public preference(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
{ // get the id of the quote and store it in quoteid this.leadid=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('paramID');
if(leadid!=null||leadid!='') {
getdetails(leadid); }
public void getdetails(string leadid)
{ List<Lead> leads=[select id,User_Id__c,Email,Phone,Title,HasOptedOutOfEmail,A_H_Interest__c,Aftermarket_Interest__c,Construction_Interest__c,D_O_Interest__c,Energy_Interest__c,Environmental_Interest__c,Financial_Enterprises_Interest__c,Healthcare_Interest__c,Manufacturing_Interest__c,Property_Interest__c,Real_Estate_Interest__c,Technology_Interest__c,Windstorm_Notification__c from Lead where Id=: leadid];
{ led=leads[0];
} else
{ } }
public void savedtls() {
Lead l=led;
update l; }}