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Dependent Multi-select Picklist breaks in VF pages
If you make a multi-select picklist dependent on a picklist then use them in a VF page the left/right arrows will vanish as soon as you perform an action method.
e.g. create a custom object called MSP. Now on object MSP__c create a required text field, a picklist (2 or 3 values) and a multi-select picklist (4 or 5 values).
Field Label API Name Data Type First Name First_Name__c Text(25) - required to save record Master Picklist Master_Picklist__c Picklist Test MSP Test_MSP__c Picklist (Multi-Select)
In the MSP tab create a record.
Create the following VF page and Class (extensions controller)
public class MSP_EXT { public MSP__c MSPrec {get; set;} public MSP_EXT(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { MSPrec = (MSP__c) controller.getRecord(); } public PageReference mySave() { update MSPrec; return null; } }
VF page testMSP
<apex:page id="page1" standardController="MSP__c" extensions="MSP_EXT" > <apex:form id="form1"> <apex:pageBlock id="pb1"> <apex:pageBlockButtons id="pbb1" location="both"> <apex:commandButton id="btn1" value="Save" action="{!mySave}"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:pageBlockSection id="pbs1"> <apex:inputField id="inp1" value="{!MSP__c.First_Name__c}"/> <apex:inputField id="inp2" value="{!MSP__c.Test_MSP__c}"/> <apex:inputField id="inp3" value="{!MSP__c.Master_Picklist__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockSection> <apex:pageMessages id="msgs1"/> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
So now try your apex page with the record you created:
Now save your record with and without a value in the required text field - no problems right? Everything works fine in the VF page and the Standard page.
Now with the Field Dependencies button make the multi-select picklist dependent on the picklist and make a few dependent values.
In the MSP Tab the Standard page works fine trying to edit the record with or without a value in the text field.
Go to the VF page again and whether there is a value in the text field or not, when you click the button the multi-select picklists left and right arrows vanish. (VF sends them with a display:none style attribute).
I stumbled upon this same problem just today. Did you figure out a clever workaround for it or log a case about it?
Read my blog: