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How to NOT display date format near an input date field ?


stil on my page block table...

To gain some place, I would like to not display format date (this : (28/10/2010) ) near an input date field...

How to do this, if it's possible ?


Here is the code for my VF page :


            <apex:pageblocktable value="{!resultList}" var="res"
                <apex:column headervalue="{!$Label.CORE_ActionDate}" width="20px">
                    <apex:inputfield value="{!res.Action_Date__c}"/>

Thanks for any help

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

You can hide it by adding the following styling to the top of your page:



  display: none;


 This will hide it for all date input fields on the page though.


All Answers


You can hide it by adding the following styling to the top of your page:



  display: none;


 This will hide it for all date input fields on the page though.


This was selected as the best answer

thanks a lot bob_buzzard !

it's great

Use "showDatePicker" attribute on apex:inputField with value false : showDatePicker="false"