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Error in Page Editor and View State display?
I have written a controller extension, which is a wizard for three VF pages, that are called from the user in consecutive order. When I as systemadmin open the first page, I can open the page editor and see the Viewstate. If I now go to the second page, I can still see the page editor and the Viewstate, but the code that is displayed in the editor is that of the first page. If I now proceed to the third page, I cannot see the page editor or the Viewstate either.
Is that an error or am I too stupid?
Thanks for your help!
Could you try unchecking the Development mode from your personal information. It happened to me once like this and I tried unchecking the dvelopement mode checkbox. When we check this box and try to nagivate through pages, My CSS used to get disturbed and some of the components would'nt be displayed properly.
Hi sravu,
if I uncheck the development mode, I don't have the page editor or the viewstate. I would like to have them while testing the pages. I have no problem with the disply of the components, as I don't use css in that page! Thanks a lot, but this is not a solution for me.
Are you using ajax to move from one page to another? If so, try removing the ajax from the process, or access the page individually.
I'm not using ajax. I'm moving with standard Visualforce from one page to the next. Here my codesample for the Movement from page one to page two:
<apex:commandButton action="{!Artikelseite}" value="weiter zur Artikelsuche"/>
and the controller pageref:
public PageReference Artikelseite() {
searchText = '';
return Page.BarVerkaufArtikelsuche;
can anyone help, or at least tell me, whether this is an error of Visualforce? Thanks!