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Service cloud support console refresh Tabs from VF pages

Hi guys,


I have a visualforce page at the bottom of Support Console. This visualforce page will helps support staff to add Time entry for case on which they are working. Time Entry has Master detail relationship with Cases. Once reps click on Save button to it will store entry in Time Entry custom object and after that it should refresh/reload active case Tab on which he/she is working. I have command button named save which calls action method in controller. Once action is performed I need to refresh active case tabs. I am able to add entry in object, but I dont see any way to refresh active case tabs.


Any idea how to refresh/reload active case tab after saving entry in time entry object? I can't use client side onclick javascript because it invokes before action method call. I need some mechanism to refresh after my action method completes successfully.




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I think you'll need to use the Service Cloud Console Integration Toolkit to be able to get to the other parts of the console from your VF.  This does mean that you'd need to use javascript, but you can achieve this by embedding your script in an output panel that is conditionally rendered after the action method is complete.


The toolkit documentation is at:

All Answers


I think you'll need to use the Service Cloud Console Integration Toolkit to be able to get to the other parts of the console from your VF.  This does mean that you'd need to use javascript, but you can achieve this by embedding your script in an output panel that is conditionally rendered after the action method is complete.


The toolkit documentation is at:

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks Bob. I used CommandButton onclick event to call below javascript function and it works.. But the challenge is how to refresh/close all sub tabs. We dont have any function which gives me list of all sub tabs.


 function refreshSubTab() {
      return true;


var refreshActiveSubtab = function refreshActiveSubtab(result) {
        // get tab Id
        var tabId =;
        // refreshSubtabById(id:String, active:Boolean, (optional)callback:function)
        sforce.console.refreshSubtabById(tabId, true);

sforce.console.getEnclosingTabId is not woekijng, and i am not getting value . what is the problem ? am i need to setup for service consolue?
pls help me