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Unable to set the Required block for input text
I am trying to get the required field setup for a inputText. I have tried methods provided but they do not provide the same feel.
<apex:outputLabel style="font-weight:bold" value="Company Name" for="companyName"/> <apex:outputPanel> <div class="requiredInput"> <div class="requiredBlock"></div> <apex:inputText style="height:20px;width:200px" id="companyName" value="{!companyName}" required="true"/> </div> </apex:outputPanel>
Any pointers on how I can get the required block style for this.
Do you have this inside a pageblock/pageblocksection? I've found that's the way that I get the red marker to appear, and pageblocksection allows me to get the label and the input text on the same line.
I have tried to nest it within PageBlockSection as well as PageBlockSectionItem. I simply don't seem to get the feel in the UI. I am using Custom CSS in the page for many components. Would this cause any issues when calling a class that is native to visualforce?
Only if you've clashed names with a Salesforce class I think.
How does it differ from the standard salesforce - is there no red bar, across two lines or something else?
There are no redbars being shown in the UI. I have verified if I had used the required class names in my CSS and the result is Negative. Should we be adding any line that includes the Salesforce css into the visualforce page?
I had inintially set the StandardStyleSheet attribute in apex:page as false. Thought maybe that is causing the issue and changed the value to true, still there is no redbar showing up.
This is not working for you ??
Ankit Arora
Blog | Facebook | Blog Page
Yes the solution of adding the Requireblock does not bring the red bar against the field. So currently I am trying using the basic * marker for the required field marking which looks very out of place.
This is strange, can you please provide your entire visualforce page code so we can find out where is the problem.
Ankit Arora
Blog | Facebook | Blog Page
This won't work unless you include the code in a pageBlockSection
<apex:pageBlock mode="edit">
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputpanel layout="block" styleClass="requiredInput">
<apex:outputpanel layout="block" styleClass="requiredBlock"></apex:outputpanel>
<div class="topSpacing leftSpacing"><apex:inputField value="{!oAccount.Particular_Aspects__c}" styleClass="leftSpacing"/></div>