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VisualForce bug on clone?



I have an object which is the child object on a Master-Detail relations ship. I am using a (just one) VisualForce page overriding New, Edit and Clone.


The field that is used to connect the child to the parent is like this on the page:


<apex:inputfield value="{!stdrcontroller.pointToParent__c}"/>



Results that I verified:


If I am in  "New" mode, an editable input field with a lookup button is generated - Right Behavior

if I am in  "Edit" mode, an output text is generated which makes sense once the connection to the parent has to be created at creation moment and cannot be changed so - Right Behaviour

If I am in "Clone" mode, an output text is generated which doesn't make sense once the object isn't created yet. I check that with the standard page and the behaviour is different so the field appears as an inputfield.


Any explanation for this or it is just a bug?


Thanks in advance

