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Error: Unknown property in VFpage with custom controller

I'm becoming mad with this error. I checked the similar post . In those i see the error and in my code i don't see anything wrong.


Error is :  Error: Unknown property 'CO01_RegSport_Data.RegistrationChild.indexChild' 


The VF page is :

<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!data.regChildren}" var="child">
	<apex:column >
		<apex:facet name="header">number</apex:facet>
		<apex:outputText value="{!child.indexChild}" />
	<apex:column >
		<apex:facet name="header">{!labels.FirstName__c}</apex:facet>
		<apex:inputField value="{!child.reg.Firstname__c}" />

 {!child.reg.Firstname__c} is working fine, but not {!child.indexChild}


and the controller is :

public class CO01_RegSport_Data{

    private Registration__c regMain;
    private List<RegistrationChild> regChildren;

    public CO01_RegSport_Data(String userId, CO01_RegSport mainclass){

    public Registration__c getRegMain(){return regMain;}
    public List<RegistrationChild> getRegChildren(){return regChildren;}
    public PageReference addRegistrationChild(){
        if (regChildren == null) regChildren = new List<RegistrationChild>();
        regChildren.add(new RegistrationChild(regMain, 'Child', this, empl, regChildren.size()+1));
        return null;

    public class RegistrationChild{
        private Registration__c reg;
        private Registration__c regParent;
        private CO01_RegSport_Data data;
        private Employee__c empl;
		private Integer indexChild;

        public RegistrationChild(Registration__c regParent, String relation, CO01_RegSport_Data data, Employee__c empl, Integer indexChild){
            reg = new Registration__c();
			this.indexChild = Integer.valueOf(indexChild);

        public Integer getIndexChild(){return indexChild;}
        public Registration__c getReg(){return reg;}



Please help me. Tnx in advance.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

From your sample code I created a Registration__c custom object with field Firstname__c, 2 classes and a VF page and it compiles fine. I run the page [] and I see a '1' and the name 'Bill' in a table.

[Note: I had to remove references to Employee__c since theres no clue as to what it is, and I initialised regChildren with 1 row]


VF page

<apex:page  controller="CO01_RegSport">

        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!data.regChildren}" var="child">
            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">number</apex:facet>
                <apex:outputText value="{!child.indexChild}" />
            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">First Name</apex:facet>
                <apex:inputField value="{!child.reg.Firstname__c}" />




public class CO01_RegSport_Data{

    private Registration__c regMain;
    private List<RegistrationChild> regChildren;

    public CO01_RegSport_Data(CO01_RegSport mainclass){
//        ...
        regMain = new Registration__c(Firstname__c='Colin');

    public Registration__c getRegMain(){return regMain;}
    public List<RegistrationChild> getRegChildren(){return regChildren;}
    public PageReference addRegistrationChild(){
        if (regChildren == null) regChildren = new List<RegistrationChild>();
        regChildren.add(new RegistrationChild(regMain, 'Child', this, regChildren.size()+1));
        return null;

    public class RegistrationChild{
        private Registration__c reg;
        private Registration__c regParent;
        private CO01_RegSport_Data data;
        private Integer indexChild;

        public RegistrationChild(Registration__c regParent, String relation, CO01_RegSport_Data data, Integer indexChild){
            reg = new Registration__c(Firstname__c='Bill');
//            ...
            this.indexChild = Integer.valueOf(indexChild);

        public Integer getIndexChild(){return indexChild;}
        public Registration__c getReg(){return reg;}




public class CO01_RegSport{

    public CO01_RegSport_Data data {get; set;}
//    ...
    public CO01_RegSport(){
//        ...

    public void regSportInit() {//separate function only because otherwize it cannot be tested (ApexPages.currentPage() not available in test function)
//        ...
        data = new CO01_RegSport_Data(this);
//        ...


All Answers


What does data refer to in this line ?  Could you remove it ? {!regChildren} would work I think (from your code snippet).

<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!data.regChildren}" var="child">



sorry, i forgot to mention :


the real controller is the class CO01_RegSport which instantiates the class CO01_RegSport_Data


public class CO01_RegSport{

    private CO01_RegSport_Data data;
	public CO01_RegSport(){

    public void regSportInit() {//separate function only because otherwize it cannot be tested (ApexPages.currentPage() not available in test function)
        data = new CO01_RegSport_Data(emplid, this);


so, {!data....} shouldn't be the problem as i use it for all other fields.


If you comment out that first  visualforce column does it give a similar error about Firstname__c ?

I'm wondering if its a visibility issue with the inner class.


if i comment the first column, i've no error, it's working fine but i need this index.


In fact the original problem is i would like to know the index of a each row of the table so as to use in some JS.

So i put the indexChild as a property buty i can't reach it while i can reach the other properties.


perhaps try this approach

public Integer counter { get; set; }

 or would this work for you:


I checked the example of Jeff Douglas and i think it's the same.


his class "DataTableWrapper"  corresponds to my class "RegistrationChild"

his "counter" is my "indexChild"


a stupid question : i replaced 

private Registration__c reg;
public Registration__c getReg(){return reg;}


private Registration__c reg{get;set;}

 and now i've error in the class CO01_RegSport when calling data.someitem.getReg().Lastname__c  (Method does not exist or incorrect signature:)


I'm new in Apex dev, but it's the same isn't it ???


It might need to be public, not private.


I think you'll need to recompile (save) both classes.


From your sample code I created a Registration__c custom object with field Firstname__c, 2 classes and a VF page and it compiles fine. I run the page [] and I see a '1' and the name 'Bill' in a table.

[Note: I had to remove references to Employee__c since theres no clue as to what it is, and I initialised regChildren with 1 row]


VF page

<apex:page  controller="CO01_RegSport">

        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!data.regChildren}" var="child">
            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">number</apex:facet>
                <apex:outputText value="{!child.indexChild}" />
            <apex:column >
                <apex:facet name="header">First Name</apex:facet>
                <apex:inputField value="{!child.reg.Firstname__c}" />




public class CO01_RegSport_Data{

    private Registration__c regMain;
    private List<RegistrationChild> regChildren;

    public CO01_RegSport_Data(CO01_RegSport mainclass){
//        ...
        regMain = new Registration__c(Firstname__c='Colin');

    public Registration__c getRegMain(){return regMain;}
    public List<RegistrationChild> getRegChildren(){return regChildren;}
    public PageReference addRegistrationChild(){
        if (regChildren == null) regChildren = new List<RegistrationChild>();
        regChildren.add(new RegistrationChild(regMain, 'Child', this, regChildren.size()+1));
        return null;

    public class RegistrationChild{
        private Registration__c reg;
        private Registration__c regParent;
        private CO01_RegSport_Data data;
        private Integer indexChild;

        public RegistrationChild(Registration__c regParent, String relation, CO01_RegSport_Data data, Integer indexChild){
            reg = new Registration__c(Firstname__c='Bill');
//            ...
            this.indexChild = Integer.valueOf(indexChild);

        public Integer getIndexChild(){return indexChild;}
        public Registration__c getReg(){return reg;}




public class CO01_RegSport{

    public CO01_RegSport_Data data {get; set;}
//    ...
    public CO01_RegSport(){
//        ...

    public void regSportInit() {//separate function only because otherwize it cannot be tested (ApexPages.currentPage() not available in test function)
//        ...
        data = new CO01_RegSport_Data(this);
//        ...


This was selected as the best answer

indeed , by deploying with Eclipse,it's working. I was changing directly in salesforce ...


Thanks for your help and your time, Colin