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Max Friel.ax1251
RenderAs PDF causes Japanese characters to not be displayed...
I use this code...
<apex:repeat value="{!IF(vp,$ObjectType.Standing_Request__c.FieldSets.LILLY_QR_VP_SR,IF(team== 'OL',$ObjectType.Standing_Request__c.FieldSets.LILLY_QR_OL_SR,$ObjectType.Standing_Request__c.FieldSets.LILLY_QR_ML_SR))}" var="f"> <tr><td class="label"><apex:outputText value="{!f.label}"/></td> <td><apex:outputField value="{!obj[f]}"/></td></tr> </apex:repeat>
To generate a table. Some of the fields I am using have Japanese characters as their names. If I use the renderAs="PDF" parameter on the page the Japanese characters simply display as a '_'. If I remove the renderAs="PDF" then it displays properly. Does anyone know a way to get the characters to properly display with in the PDF?
Thanks in advance for any help.
By simply adding...
body { font-family: Arial Unicode MS; }
to the style section it resolved my issue.