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OutputPanel not Rerendering
I have been working on something all day where an outputPanel gets rendered on a page after a user does a search.
For some reason and I cannot work out why, a hidden outputPanel does not render after a user clicks on a commandButton.
Below is my code. I have taken things out which are not neccessary
Any help would be appreciated.
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" controller="SearchProjectsController"> <apex:form id="form"> <apex:commandButton value="Search Projects" action="{!searchProjects}" reRender="projectList" /> <apex:outputPanel id="projectList" rendered="{!doneSearch}"> OPEN PROJECTS </apex:outputPanel> </apex:form> </apex:page> public class SearchProjectsController { public boolean doneSearch {get; set;} public SearchProjectsController() { doneSearch = false; } public PageReference searchProjects() { doneSearch = true; projects = [SELECT Id, Name, Title__c FROM Project__c]; return null; } }
You need to wrap your outputPanel with another one:
The rule here is that you need to rerender a container so that whatever is inside it gets rerendered.
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You need to wrap your outputPanel with another one:
The rule here is that you need to rerender a container so that whatever is inside it gets rerendered.
If above trick didn't work, rerender form object directly, It will work
Thanks Shamil!!
It did the trick