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Throwing Null value because some mistake in VF page
I am trying to insert a value in tool1.Search_by_GAN__c = 'linkselected'; But the value is getting null in debug log. it is entering in to the loop but throwing null value. I am sure i did some mistake in the visualforce page I mentioned something wrong in the value in VF page mentioned below in Red.
VF page:
<apex:outputLink target="_blank" onclick="callCon('DST');" value="">DST</apex:outputLink>
<apex:actionFunction name="callCon" oncomplete="callCon1();"/>
<apex:param name="firstParam" value="callcon1();" assignTo="{!linkselected}"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="callcon1" action="{!searchLink}"/>
public String linkSelected {get; set;}
public PageReference searchLink() {
tool1 = new Tool_Used__c();
uList1 = new List<Users_of_Tool__c>();
if(linkSelected != null && linkSelected != '') {
system.debug('###### '+linkselected);
tool1.Search_by_GAN__c = 'linkselected';
I think action function syntax is not correct.
<apex:action function name ='', action =''>
<apex:param name ='' value ='', assignedTo=''>
</apex:action function>
Can you please let me know what would be the action function syntax inmy case please?
try this
<apex:actionFunction name="callcon1" action="{!searchLink}">
<apex:param name="firstParam" value="callcon1();" assignTo="{!linkselected}"/>