function readOnly(count){ }
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I need to add a total line for the sales amount on a VF page.
How do I do this when I am returning a list of accounts from my controller?
We can do it with two ways
1. iterate over the list and calculate the amount and display total property on VF Page.
2.Using <apex:variable> in VF Page.
<apex:page> <apex:variable name="total" value="{! 0}" /> <apex:repeat var="rec" value="{! yourList}"> . . Data . . <apex:variable name="total" value="{! total+rec.Amount}" /> </apex:repeat> <apex:outputtext value="{! total}"> </apex:page>
We can do it with two ways
1. iterate over the list and calculate the amount and display total property on VF Page.
2.Using <apex:variable> in VF Page.