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Checkbox list action event
I'm having an issue with standard rendering. Within the 'Action' column, the checkbox next to the 'Edit' and 'Delete' links appears on some Sobjects and not others. Example would be in one Sandbox both Account and Leads works fine and you can see it on both. On other sandboxes only one works. I was hoping when pushing it to production I would be lucky enough to have it work, but alas, it did not. Works great on Leads when it came to Account, I had a no go.
VF code:
<apex:page showHeader="true"> <apex:ListViews type="Account"> </apex:ListViews> </apex:page>
Short version of my question, how can I make this standard checkbox appear?
Only possible solutions I've found online are:
Validating under Setup > Customize > User Interface
Validate 'Enhanced Lists' and 'Inline Editing' is enabled.
Also If you have record types and in the list view you have more than one record types, you will lose the checkbox.
Try create a list view which contains only ONE record type.
so use a filter
account record type = xxx
and set your other filters.
I have tried both these with no luck. Please help!
All Answers
If you hit the standard accounts tab and pick some list views, do you see the checkboxes there?
Any more suggestions Bob? The visualforce page works if I switch the Account view to a contact view. Could this possibly be a bug with Person Accounts? We have no standard Accounts within our Orgs