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Error: unexpected token: ':' when passing Values to varibles into a flow
I am trying to pass values to varibles of a flow named 'CallReasonSelectFlow' from vf page.
I am getting this error. unexpected token: ':' at the interview attribute in the vf page.
i will be inserting this page as a related list..
my vf page:
<apex:page standardController="Contact_Program__c" extensions="VisualWorkFlowController" >
<flow:interview name="CallReasonSelectFlow" buttonLocation="bottom" interview="{!CallReasonSelectFlow}" >
<apex:param name="SelectedProgramId" value="{!ProgramId}"/>
<apex:param name="SelectedProgramName" value="{!ProgramName}"/>
public with sharing class VisualWorkFlowController {
public Flow.Interview.CallReasonSelectFlow CallReasonSelectFlow {get; set;}
public Contact_Program__c contctProgObj;
public Program__c ProgObj;
public static String ProgramId{get;set;}
public static String ProgramName{get;set;}
public VisualWorkFlowController (ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
------------------ my code for getting values..
Thanks in advance.
Are you at WNiter'14? If yes then this is a known issue with no workaround available at present.
Please provide If there is any workaround for this?
Once workaround is available it will be posted at :