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How to test a Page with controller extension
As you can see in this question, I am new in Test Classes.
i have a page wich have 3 opportunity fields,and these fields can be modified.
In the test class I need to instanciate the controller and assign a new value in the opportunity name field.
In the controller, I get the opportunity querying to the database using the Id of the Opportunity that I get through Get parameter.
Can you help me in achieve it? (I suppose that it should be very easy, but after a long search in internet, I haven't found it)
Suppose your class name is 'OpportunityController'
Then first you need to create an opportunity record in your test class,because your test class can't access data from salesfore database unless we don't put (seeAllData=true) .
Opportunity oppty = new Opportunity();
//Put all the mandatory field value or other field value which u want.
insert oppty.
And pass this opprtunity id to your parameter.As:
apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().set('id',oppty.Id); // where Id is the name of the parameter.
After that instantiate your contoller.
OpportunityController opptyObj = new OpportunityController();
OR if your class constructor uses opportunity as a standard controller then :
ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(oppty);
OpportunityController opptyObj = new OpportunityController(sc);
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Suppose your class name is 'OpportunityController'
Then first you need to create an opportunity record in your test class,because your test class can't access data from salesfore database unless we don't put (seeAllData=true) .
Opportunity oppty = new Opportunity();
//Put all the mandatory field value or other field value which u want.
insert oppty.
And pass this opprtunity id to your parameter.As:
apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().set('id',oppty.Id); // where Id is the name of the parameter.
After that instantiate your contoller.
OpportunityController opptyObj = new OpportunityController();
OR if your class constructor uses opportunity as a standard controller then :
ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(oppty);
OpportunityController opptyObj = new OpportunityController(sc);
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