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<apex:inputText> not visible in Sites

Hi all,


I just created a new Site in my sandbox and made my visualforce page as Active Site Home Page. So when I opened the URL in a new window, the input text fields are not visible. Only the labels in my page are visible. I did the same in my developer account and I was able to view input text fields. Why is this so? Is that because of some permissions I have to enable. I have enabled the public user to create records. I have also compared it to my dev acct. I couldnt see any difference. Maybe I am missing on something. Any help is really appreciated.



Many Thanks.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Thanks :). I found out where I went wrong. I had given only Create access and not Edit access.. I was using value="{!obj.fieldname}". That was the reason why it didnt appear on the page.

All Answers


make sure the fields are visible via field level security. site details>public access settings>FLS

Thanks :). I found out where I went wrong. I had given only Create access and not Edit access.. I was using value="{!obj.fieldname}". That was the reason why it didnt appear on the page.
This was selected as the best answer