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Flooding picklist with string variable

Hi there,
I am trying to create a dependent picklist in a visual force page.
The first lists the price range of books and the second then lists the author list.
But when I try to add items to the second list by the code:
str = [SELECT name,price__c,author__c,publisher__c FROM Novel__c WHERE price__c<100 AND author__c =:this.options1]

it gives me the following error
: Invalid bind expression type of System.SelectOption for column of type String at line 26 column 117

here's my controller code
public class class12

    public string options ;
    public List<selectOption> options1 = new List<selectoption>();
    public string options2;
    public List<Novel__c> str = new List<Novel__c>();
    public class12(ApexPages.StandardController controller)


    public List<Novel__c> getStr() {

            if(options=='Below 100')
                for(Novel__c n:[SELECT author__c FROM Novel__c WHERE price__c<100 ORDER BY author__c])
                    this.options1.add(new SelectOption(String.valueof(n.author__c),string.valueof(n.author__c)));
                str = [SELECT name,price__c,author__c,publisher__c FROM Novel__c WHERE price__c<100 AND author__c =:this.options1];
                return str;
            else if(options == 'Above 100'){
                for(Novel__c n:[SELECT author__c FROM Novel__c WHERE price__c<100 ORDER BY author__c])
                    this.options1.add(new SelectOption(String.valueof(n.author__c),string.valueof(n.author__c)));
                str = [SELECT name,price__c,author__c,publisher__c FROM Novel__c WHERE price__c>=100 AND author__c =:this.options1];
                return str;
                return str;

    public List<SelectOption> getitems2()
        return this.options1;
    public List<Novel__c> getnovelList()
        return [SELECT name,price__c,author__c,publisher__c FROM Novel__c WHERE price__c>100];
    public string getoptions()
        return this.options;
    public void setoptions(String opt)
        this.options = opt;
    public string getoptions2()
        return this.options2;
    public void setoptions2(String opt)
        this.options2 = opt;
    public List<SelectOption> getItems()
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        options.add(new Selectoption('Below 100','Below 100'));
        options.add(new Selectoption('Above 100','Above 100'));      
        return options;
    public pagereference preview()
        return null;
Is there any other way of adding a string variable in select list?
Thank you



In the below line 

str = [SELECT name,price__c,author__c,publisher__c FROM Novel__c WHERE price__c<100 AND author__c =:this.options1]


in where condition you compare the String fields "author__c" with the List of selectOption. How it is possible you can't do this.Pleasw explain what do you want at this place then I'll give you suggestion on same.


oh yes i didnt notice that both are of different types.

Actually i want the select list to contain string values and from those string values I want to compare author__c  with