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Customer Portal - Visualforce development

I need to customise my company's customer portal site. I assume I would have to use Visual force for this.
Could somebody provide me with documentation of how one does about doing this? Where can I get documentation on this?
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
I need more details on what you are planning to do.

Customer portal provides the following out of the box customizations:
1- you can change the style sheet via ui
2- you can use custom header and footer html files (stored in documents and file size must be less than 10K) to replace the standard header and footer
3- you can upload your own logo and set your welcome message

This is valuable if you are using standard pages for your portal

If you use visualforce then you can take the full control

you need to associate your visualforce pages with the portal profile and associate the pages to the appropriate tabs or objects depending on your flow.

Message Edited by Bulent on 12-14-2008 07:02 PM

All Answers

When you say customer portal you mean in a generic way right? Or are you talking about the Customer Portal product?
I need to convert Salesforce standard customer portal to one that I can alter the look and feel.
I need to develop is visaulforce to make this happen.
I need more details on what you are planning to do.

Customer portal provides the following out of the box customizations:
1- you can change the style sheet via ui
2- you can use custom header and footer html files (stored in documents and file size must be less than 10K) to replace the standard header and footer
3- you can upload your own logo and set your welcome message

This is valuable if you are using standard pages for your portal

If you use visualforce then you can take the full control

you need to associate your visualforce pages with the portal profile and associate the pages to the appropriate tabs or objects depending on your flow.

Message Edited by Bulent on 12-14-2008 07:02 PM
This was selected as the best answer

Hello Bulent,


we created one custom portal, and we are tring to access a visualforce page through link (<a href="#">) .

its opening in a new window with the following error message.


Insufficient Privileges You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary.


But same visualforce page is working fine in production & sandbox environment.


Please any clue would be very helpful.



Message Edited by shanuman on 02-15-2009 10:51 PM
make sure to assign the visualforce page to the related portal profile and make sure the portal profile has the necessary permissions to perform the action. Also if you have private sharing you might need to share the record with the portal user or portal public group.

I'm having the same issue and support is telling me that I need a special tag or a separate page to display Visualforce in the Partner Portal. Is this true?


I have verified that the user has access to the object in question and the VF page works perfectly in Production/Sandbox.


Can you provide more details on what you are trying to do and the setups you did so far, and the error you are getting?


if you are using the latest PRM portal (introduced in 2008) then you don't need anything extra to be able to use visualforce within the PRM portal   


Message Edited by Bulent on 06-04-2009 04:52 PM