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DML in Sites

Is there any way to do an update on a custom object in sites? I am trying to do a simply counter to know how many people view a sites page. Any ideas?


Can I do an insert on a custom object for each visit? Could get messy with lots of data, but maybe I could roll it up later.


Any suggestions from the experts on the best way to track visits to a sites page? Kinda like what Vertical Response does with their 1 pixel images.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

If you want to track who is visiting your site, I suggest integrating with something like Google Analytics ( It's super easy to setup with sites, all you have to do is put one line of Javascript on every page of your site (you can use a site template to do this).


If you want the cool looking counter on your site that says how many hits you're getting, just search "free website counter" and see what comes up. The first result I got was



All Answers


If you want to track who is visiting your site, I suggest integrating with something like Google Analytics ( It's super easy to setup with sites, all you have to do is put one line of Javascript on every page of your site (you can use a site template to do this).


If you want the cool looking counter on your site that says how many hits you're getting, just search "free website counter" and see what comes up. The first result I got was



This was selected as the best answer



Do you know if it would be possible to have a page counter on a particular report in sfdc. So the admin user can see how many page hits for each page on a report?






Sorry - don't know of a way to have a page counter on reports. You should submint that idea to the ideaexchange (I'd vote on it!). It'd be very useful to see who viewed (or ran) what reports and when.



i think the question is "to have a report that shows page views"

clickstream/google analytics is the way to go