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How to upload images for user profile by batch

Hi all,


does anybody know a way to upload photos to user profiles by batch? We want to upload images and set the FullPhotoURL attribute of our users programmatically so that all of them have a photo if we roll out chatter. I'm not sure if this is possible at all. Any other ideas for solving this problem would be helpful, too.




Hi all,


I have to do the same job, any ideas ?





unfortunately we did not find any solution. It seems to be impossible to upload the profile images by program or script. We solved this with following workaround: Put all images into a zip file and upload as static resource. If the images are too large you maybe need one static resource for one image. Use image names which can be mapped against a field from the user object in order to pick the right one. Access the images from static resource instead of accessing the chatter profile image in the VF page where you need it. We are not really satisfied with this, still waiting for an improvement in a next version.

Hope this helps,



Elke and thread members,

Our Cazoomi teams have developed an app which can accomplish this for your need to upload the profile images.  It's pretty straightforward.
You can reach us in San Francisco anytime for a demo.

The tool has the following 3 versions:

Version 1

This app comes with:

    Config file  - which stores salesforce login credentials
    CSV file with two columns salesforce user's email address and image file path

When the application runs, it will read the CSV file and uploads the photo for the user associated by email address into salesforce.

Version 2

This app comes with:

    Config file  - which stores salesforce login credentials
    CSV file with two columns salesforce user's username and image file path

When the application runs, it will read the CSV file and uploads the photo for the user associated by username into salesforce.


This app comes with:

    Config file  - which stores salesforce login credentials
    CSV file with two columns salesforce user's ID and image file path

When the application runs, it will read the CSV file and uploads the photo for the user associated by 15/18 digit SFDC ID into salesforce.

Photos are pre-sized for uploading.




We would like to know if the cazoomi solution will include an installation of any products onto our salesforce platform or is it a standalone application.


Also do we need the credentials of an admin alone to do this ?


Please let us know as we need this information to pursue this further.



Murtuza Morbiwala 

Commercial Operations Administrator. 



Thanks Murtuza,




  1. Our Cazoomi solution is a standalone application and not an installation of any application onto Salesforce platform
  2. We would only need credentials of a sys admin user to utilize the application

Thanks again,

