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visualforce object relationships not working in sites, but working in full salesforce
So I have an interesting issue that seems to only manifest on sites/customer portal. As I'm only using portal for authentication and this code is all being run by custom controllers under sites this seemed like the appropriate place to post it.
I have a custom controller that looks something like this:
public without sharing class Controller {
[irrelevant code cut out]
public List<Service_Availability_Link__c> getServiceList(){
List<Service_Availability_Link__c> ServiceList;
try {
ServiceList = [Select Name, Service__r.Name From Service_Availability_Link__c r
where Department__c = :myContact.Department__c and Service__c != null];
} catch (Exception e) {
System.debug('******Cought an exception! '+e);
System.debug('**# Service list looks something like this: '+ServiceList[0].Service__r.Name);
return ServiceList;
And here's a especially simple VF page that I made to help illustrate the issue:
<apex:page controller="Controller" showHeader="false">
<apex:repeat value="{!serviceList}" var="s">
<apex:outputText >Data: {!s.Service__r.Name}<br /></apex:outputText>
This is the interesting part, the custom controller is running without sharing (to help debug this issue, I plan to enable sharing rules), and when I turn on debug logs I can see the "System.debug('**# Service list looks something like this: '+ServiceList[0].Service__r.Name);" statement printing the data I want, but the data is not accessible on the VF page.
Here's what I get when I load the VF page.
In full salesforce (not using sites):
Data: Salesforce Account
Data: CEO Laptop Service
Data: New Laptop
Data: InSite Monitoring Seat License
And when I run it under sites with a customer portal user I get this output:
Even stranger, if I change the VF page to print {!s.Name} instead of {!s.Service__r.Name} it prints data (just not the data I want)! The issue seems to be only with traversing object relationships, and from the debugging statements I can see the data is being pulled correctly.
Is this a bug in visualforce under sites? I can't figure out any reason why it would behave like this.
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That was exactly the issue. I assume that when I set the object as viewable/editable by the profile that that would set the fields to default visible, which I now realise might not be desirable behavior depending on how your org uses salesforce.
For anybody else who hits the issue:
Go to setup > create > objects > {whatever object}
Click a field, and hit the "View Field Accessibility" button. From there you can change the fields associated the a profile to visible.
My only question is if there's a quicker way to set this? It could be time consuming for larger apps to go through this for ever object and every profile.
what you suggested
>>Go to setup > create > objects > {whatever object}
would work for portal and any other profiles. But for sites you will have to go to sites>public access settings
You might not want some users creating new fields on some objects and these fields start showing up on your public site.