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Chatter Trigger - Opportunity Closed Won
I am looking to send trigger a chatter alert in a group when an opportunity is changed to Closed Won. We are currently using email alerts (AND( ISCHANGED(StageName), Probability = 1, NOT(Owner.Id = "005d0000001TUC8")) but would like to move the interaction to chatter:
Below is my attempt but
1. When I try this I get the error - Compile Error: unexpected token: insert at line 26 column 8
2.As it is in the workflow - I would like to have one person's opportunitiy's (NOT(Owner.Id = 005d0000001TUC8) not trigger this workflow for privacy reasons
Could anyone help me clean this up? Thank you so much!
trigger ChatterWonOpportunity on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
String status;
String OppAccName;
//Decimal OppAmount;
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
for(Opportunity o : {
if(Trigger.isInsert) {
if(o.IsWon == true && Trigger.oldMap.get( == false) {
for (Opportunity oppty : [SELECT Account.Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id =:o.Id] ) {
OppAccName = oppty.Account.Name;
o.owner +' just won' + OppAccName + 'for' o.expectedrevenue + ‘!';
else {
post.ParentId = //0F9K000000005LR
post.Title = o.Name;
post.Body = status;
insert post;
Hi Catie, need to apologize. None of us are born genius and we were also at begineer stage. Please feel free to post as many questions/doubts you get.
Good news...You can directly have opportunity with 'Closed Win'. I skipped single step and mention that it is not possible. Now, I have posted this code from collecting previous queries and my understanding. Just make sure before you use this code. Please uncheck box 'Is Active' for any other implemeted Trigger on Opportunity update for same purpose.
Please feel free to post as many questions/queries you get over this. Hope this will serve your purpose.
All Answers
Possible explaination:
(1) Compile Error - You cannot directly have Id, it should be in single quote.
(2) At beginning of trigger execution, you can check for Opp Ownder Id. Post everything except perticular Id. You may also modify condition that I set to Not Equal to and continue your code, and set return in Else.
Hope this will help.
Would it be possible for you show a fix?
Sure, but would you please elaborate more on how can I show a fix?
On my understanding, I have already posted a corrected code on my reply.
Thanks for your help. When I parse in your code I get:
Compile Error: line breaks not allowed in string literals at line 18 column -1
Here you go. I have just tested this code in my instance and it is working without error.
Hope this will work.
Please If this post is helpful, click on Star Button for Kudos. If this post solves your problem kindly mark it as solution.
Thank you so much for your help- I'm almost there. You have been incredibly helpful. Three last questions:
1. o.Owner is showing up as "null" in the chatter post - what is the correct way to put that?
2. If I wanted to only have it triggered by deals greater or equal to $1000.00-> would I tweak ->
3. If I wanted to do the inverse of this and create a trigger for the person I am excluding from the first workflow(005d0000001TUC8) and trigger another workflow for them to just be sent to another specific group.
You are welcome. I am glad that I was able to answer your questions.
Here is a series of answers:
(1) To display Opportunity Owner
(2) Deals greater then $1,000.00
(3) While only '005d0000001TUC8' will perform close deal action.
Hope this helps...
Thank you so much! This seems to work unless someone creates and immediatly closes an opportunity: If you create an opportunity and immediatly set it to closed won - you get the error:
That's right. You are getting an error because it returns no rows on execution. I tried to modify a code and also had some search for practicing but I got negative response for that.
I strongly suggest for not to chanage a code to go for direct 'Closed Win' stage but take two steps method. First create a record and on second moment, you may update it to 'Closed Win'.
Hope this helps...
Hey there,
here is one more update, and I promise this will not give you any further error.
This code has too many conditions, because I prefer to go for every scenario in singularly. And one more additional change, that you might require to do at your end is at code line 16.
I set a custom error message for user, so a user can understand error message and follow certain steps as described in that. You may change verbiage as per your policy.
Finally, this will work for you...
Hi Saw,
My apologies - I am very new at apex. I got to the point where I realized I need two sperate conditions - one for update and one for insert.Insert and update need two seperate conditions - but am not sure how to write them out. My apologies - I am in the very begining stages of lerning apex.
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ) {
// if(o.IsWon == true && o.Amount >= 1000.00 && Trigger.oldMap.get( == false) { ---will work for Trigger.isUpdate
if(o.IsWon == true && o.Amount >= 1000.00) { //will work for Trigger.isInsert
Could you help me arrange?
I think I almost figured it out- with some help but am stuck.
trigger ChatterWonOpportunity on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
String status;
String OppAccName;
String OppOwnerName;
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
for(Opportunity o : {
if(o.OwnerId == '005d0000001TUC7') {
else {
if(Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate ) {
// if(o.IsWon == true && o.Amount >= 1000.00 && Trigger.oldMap.get( == false) { ---will work for Trigger.isUpdate
if(o.IsWon == true && o.Amount >= 1000.00) { //will work for Trigger.isInsert
for (Opportunity oppty : [SELECT Account.Name, Owner.Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id =:o.Id] ) {
OppAccName = oppty.Account.Name;
OppOwnerName = oppty.Owner.Name;
status = OppOwnerName + ' just won ' + OppAccName + ' for ' + o.expectedrevenue + '!';
else {
post.ParentId = '0F9K000000005LR';
post.Title = o.Name;
post.Body = status;
insert post;
Hi Catie, need to apologize. None of us are born genius and we were also at begineer stage. Please feel free to post as many questions/doubts you get.
Good news...You can directly have opportunity with 'Closed Win'. I skipped single step and mention that it is not possible. Now, I have posted this code from collecting previous queries and my understanding. Just make sure before you use this code. Please uncheck box 'Is Active' for any other implemeted Trigger on Opportunity update for same purpose.
Please feel free to post as many questions/queries you get over this. Hope this will serve your purpose.
Hi Saw,
I'm following this post and need a bit of help. I hope you are still available.
I don't use o.expected revenue - we use Amount but I'm getting a "Variable does not exist Amount" message on line19.
Also, what do I use for the Parent ID on line 21?
I appreciate any help as this too is my first Trigger!
Hi Lori,
Congratulations for your first trigger.
Now, here is my best guess to use o.Amount should not give you error for line 19. (If you may share code then it will be easy to consider further steps in error)
and in line 21, where do you want to get a chatter post to be posted...i.e. Chatter Group, a person's chatter wall. So, you will require that 15-digit id.
Hope this may help you.
Cool! Thanks....I will add the Chatter Group ID.
Here's my code. Pls. see if you can help me identify why it doesn't recognize amount.
I got this message just trying to post this:
Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied.
trigger ChatterWonOpportunity on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
String status;
String OppAccName;
String OppOwnerName;
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
for(Opportunity o : {
if(o.OwnerId == '00580000004SwOg') { //It will not post record for for this user to group.
else {
if(Trigger.isInsert ) {
if( o.Amount >= 1000.00 && o.IsWon == true ) { //This will be executed on new record insertion with amount >= 1,000.00
for (Opportunity oppty : [SELECT Account.Name, Owner.Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id =:o.Id] ) {
OppAccName = oppty.Account.Name;
OppOwnerName = oppty.Owner.Name;
status = OppOwnerName + ' just won ' + OppAccName + ' for ' + '!';
post.ParentId = '0F9K000000005LR';
post.Title = o.Name;
post.Body = status;
insert post;
else {
if ( Trigger.isUpdate ) {
if( o.Amount >= 1000.00 && o.IsWon == true && Trigger.oldMap.get( == false) { //This will be executed on update to existing record with amount >= 1,000.00
for (Opportunity oppty : [SELECT Account.Name, Owner.Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id =:o.Id] ) {
OppAccName = oppty.Account.Name;
OppOwnerName = oppty.Owner.Name;
status = OppOwnerName + ' just won ' + OppAccName + ' for ' + o.Amount + '!';
post.ParentId = '0F9K000000005LR';
post.Title = o.Name;
post.Body = status;
insert post;
Invalid HTML is a common message that we get while we paste a code in here. It is totally normal and harmless error.
Apparently it is working without any error and I couldn't see any error in your code. So, here is a suggestion that just delete current trigger and goto Opportunity object -> trigger -> new and simply paste this same code and quick save it.
It error still continues then logout from Salesforce instance and clear browser cache, history and for a safe side just restart your machine too. I know that it sounds totally stupid but we are working in browser and few times no error code shows error.
Now, this suggestion is extreme stupid but also check fields of Opportunity object to double-check standard field name Amount.
Trust me, I am neither making fun nor enjoying by making these comments. I also have faced nearly same error in past.
Hope this will make your code working because there is no error in code.
Happy to hear that...Have fun in holiday..:)
Another newbie here trying to create a trigger that posts when an Opp is won. I have no other requirements besides that the when an Opportunity is updated to the won stage, it posts a pedesigned message to a specific Chatter Group. I took the code from above and tried to modify it to do just that but I am running into a problem at the for line, with the error stating "Save error: Loop must iterate over collection type: Boolen". I tried to add an else statement to break and exit the loop but that gave me a bracket error. Am I totally off base here? Should I pulling a list first for the function to iterate over? Any help would be much appreciated!!
trigger ChatterPostWonOpp on Opportunity (after update) {
String status;
String OppAccName;
String OppOwnerName;
FeedItem post = new FeedItem();
for(Opportunity o : Trigger.isupdate) {
if(o.IsWon == true ) //This will be executed on new record insertion when Opp is won
for (Opportunity oppty : [SELECT Account.Name, Owner.Name FROM Opportunity])
OppAccName = oppty.Account.Name;
OppOwnerName = oppty.Owner.Name;
status = OppOwnerName + ' just won ' + OppAccName + ' for ' + o.Amount + '!';
post.ParentId = '0F9g00000008b7c';
post.Title = o.Name;
post.Body = status;
insert post;