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iskradeviskradev site not creates a page automatically

I created a Site and tried to visit a non-existent location with "apex" prefix in URL (so I could create a new Visualforce page). Instead of that: I see this:


I did enable the "Developer" checkbox in my account.


Another question is what's the difference between my first and second screenshots?


Yet another question, why are the records I'm trying to display on my Site not visible? I can see them if I visit but not when I visit or


I'm very confused.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



I understand that you have created a site using sites.


The difference between first and second screenshots is that the first one is on a salesforce instance(na15) that is why you can create a VF page on that, while second screenshot is of a site. A site is for referring salesforce content, you can not do developments (either VF or apex) on a public site.


On your site respective pages at (Setup|App setup|Develop|Sites|Click site name|Site VF pages and error page). FOr details please refer following document: