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File is displayed in a junk format when importing using import wizard

Hi all


Im trying to import data from a csv file to custom object called temp containing fields (password,start_date,value). The csv file contains only 1 set of data this is just for testing if this works I need to import 1000's of data, csv format is as below:

-|-------------- |----------------|---------|

 |password | start_date | value |


 |firstrow     | aaa         | 123.00|


im using import wizard to import data but after uploading the file I get some junk values so im not able to map the fields properly can u help me. I will place the print screen of what im finding after uploading the csv file take a look at it and help me plz.


I would suggest you try reimporting with data loader. As one cannot ascertain the cause of the junk data without looking at the csv file or your org.

But I question how are you generating your csv. Put fields in top row in an excel and then but sample data in next row and then save it as csv and retry with data loaded.

Hope this helps.