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Karthik SankarKarthik Sankar 

Remove Delete option on Activity History records.

Is there anyway to remove the 'Del' link that appears when a Task/Event is added to Activity History.

I am able to hide the standard buttons like Clone, Edit in the detail page of any record by adding an inline S-Control with height and width values as zero in any section of the page layout. This S-Control gets the Id/Name (button being a static object) of the button object in script and makes its style as hidden.

But 'Del' link (being an dynamic object) appears only when records are added in the Activity History can't be done like the same mentioned above for hiding buttons.

Please let me know if anybody can throw some light on this.

I think the only thing you can do is recreate the list using VF page.  You might be able to achieve something useful by using CRUD permissions for the user profiles.

There must be a way to do this - surely a lot of companies need to maintain an audit history of tasks, and allowing users to delete compromises this.


I would settle for the abilty to track the history of any editing and/or deletion of the comments field on tasks pages as a solution.


Can anyone help please?






Yah This sucks!

CRUD has not options what so ever for activity history, unless I missed something?


I aggree an audit trail would sufice. Nothing pisses a customer off more than us not having record of an important phone call.

This is kinda sad really.

I am looking into making my own Visual Force replacement but cmon really!!!!



May not be what you are looking for, but I ended up creating a trigger to block users from deleting completed activities. They can still click the link, but it won't let them actually delete the record.


I also had to create a validation rule to block the editing of certain fields on activity history.