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How to find CSS class name for custom web tab in s-control?

I've created an html s-control and assigned it to a custom web tab with an associated icon and color.

I've updated it using the outlines in this guide for setting the styles so that it looks like a native Salesforce page. Brilliant.

Specifically it shows that you use <BODY class="xxx"> to set the overall color scheme and icon for the page.

However, I want to use the color and icon from my custom web tab when displaying the s-control. Seems like it should be possible. This thread shows how to get the class name for Salesforce's built-in styles:

But is there some way to know what the class name is for the style defined in my custom web tab? Seems like there should be a way. But how?


Not sure if this will help you, but you can try just doing a simple right-click > View Options on the page?

Hmm, not sure what you're suggesting. I have no example of this working so I can't look at the underlying code. The web tab style is custom and I want to know how to get it to display.

I'm not sure what the custom icon and color are for if there's no way to get them to display!
