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Geetha ReddyGeetha Reddy 

Mobile Apps...

Hi to all,


I am new to Mobile apps.

Can any one post the tutorials , pdf etc regarding Mobile apps.



Thanks in Advance... 

Geetha ReddyGeetha Reddy

Thank q,


But I have small doubts like how can we differ Mobile page and Web Page .

For example,


I am creating Sites, So that we are getting URL.


That url we can use from PC or from Mobile. How can i show difference between them.


Hi Geetha,


I have tried for the same and an attribute ''User-Agent' worked for me. I have tried this for a pc and a i-pad. Here is code for page and class. Hope it'll helps you.



<apex:page docType="html-5.0" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" cache="false"
	             standardStylesheets="false" controller="ServerSideDeviceDetection"
	  <h1> This is the Desktop Version</h1>


public with sharing class ServerSideDeviceDetection {
	    public boolean isIPhone {get;set;}
	    public ServerSideDeviceDetection() {
	         String userAgent = 
	         isIPhone = userAgent.contains('iPad');
	    public PageReference detectDevice(){
	        if (isIPhone)
	            return Page.PhoneVersion.setRedirect(true);
            return null;    


[If you got answer from my post please mark it as solution.]


