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Master ID is "Invalid parameter for function URLFOR" in detail custom button
I have an app with master and detail custom objects. I created a custom button in the detail custom object
to create a new detail object using the following formula:
{!URLFOR( $Action.Detail__c.New, Detail__c.MasterId__c )}
It worked fine when I first tested it, opening a "New" form for the detail object with a reference to it's master. Now it fails with "Invalid parameter for function URLFOR", even though the parameter is a valid merge field included from the builder. It works if I remove the Detail__c.MasterId__c parameter, but the New form no longer has the reference to the Master.
Has anyone seen this, or know of a solution?
to create a new detail object using the following formula:
{!URLFOR( $Action.Detail__c.New, Detail__c.MasterId__c )}
It worked fine when I first tested it, opening a "New" form for the detail object with a reference to it's master. Now it fails with "Invalid parameter for function URLFOR", even though the parameter is a valid merge field included from the builder. It works if I remove the Detail__c.MasterId__c parameter, but the New form no longer has the reference to the Master.
Has anyone seen this, or know of a solution?
{!URLFOR( $Action.Detail__c.New, null, [retURL=Detail__c.MasterId__c], true)}
This will provide the New page, with no ID for the current record ("null"), and a return value ("retURL") of the master record. Also, you'll need the "true" if you're overriding the object's default new button, otherwise this may be omitted or "false".
~ sfdcfox ~
Did you get any solution to this problem, I have a similar requirement how can we pass Master Object ID(Name) to child object.