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Fetching required fields from custom object to visual force page
Hi ,
i have a custom object PROJECT . I created a visual force page which is a mirror of PROJECT page layout .
now I want the required field validations on the object to be displayed on visual force page.
I used "required = true" on my input field , it gave me the red bar in the field but when I click save without filling the required field the page does not show error message and the record is not saved.
Can an any body help me?
i have a custom object PROJECT . I created a visual force page which is a mirror of PROJECT page layout .
now I want the required field validations on the object to be displayed on visual force page.
I used "required = true" on my input field , it gave me the red bar in the field but when I click save without filling the required field the page does not show error message and the record is not saved.
Can an any body help me?
i used standard controller = project__c and extension = projcontroller
i have written my own save method in extension controller
after clicking save it will won't validate anything. If all the mandatory fields are filled the record is saved if I miss any one mandatory field the record will not get saved.
I have given a pagereference after save method . It successfully goes to the new page reference though record is created or not.
Did you add <apex:pagemessage/> ?
so when i use <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Save}" onComplete="refreshParentWindow()"/>
on click of save the mandatory field validations are not checked but
when i use <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!Save}" />
the mandatory field validations are checked after click of "save"
I have to use the javascriipt function on "onComplete" as shown above...but it see that the mandatory field validation is not done if i use the onComplete property.....will have to wait for the case comments