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Automated Deployment with Ant script Subversion and Jenkins

Hi Team,

I am trying to do a automated deployment every day. Every night querys for the latest change and then deploy only the changes to sandbox or prod.

I would like to use SVN as the source repository and Jenkins as the integration server to deploy with Ant script.

I have installed Migration Tool, the SVN and Jenkins successfully.
Now I need to configure Jenkins, is there any reference for me to accomplish this?

i have a concrete question:
The Ant script has a property file with password and URL, it will be needed during the deployment, where will it be saved and what can i do to keep the password not visible?

* You can point to the property file, it can be anywhere visible and be any name.  <property file="Credentials.txt"/>
* In the property file, username and pwd is stored as clear text. You'll have to use permissions at OS level.

Use burn a salesforce license for a user just for these purposes, so that developers and admins don't give away their password.