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getSelected() preventing VF page from loading?
I have a custom list button that operates on a custom object. The expected/intended behavior is that when the user checks the box next to a related list item and then clicks the custom button, my custom VF page will load and I will have access to the list of records that were selected by the user. The was working find before the spring 14 update (but I have tried to roll back the page and controller extension to earlier versions, still having the same issue).
What is happening now is if I select the custom button without selecting any records my VF page loads fine. If I select records from the related list before I click the custom button the page redirects, but never fully loads. There is no new entry in developer console log and I am left with w blank screen
I have also tried the example from the documentation here: (
And i get the same blank page result when I select records before clicking the custom button.
Any ideas?
What is happening now is if I select the custom button without selecting any records my VF page loads fine. If I select records from the related list before I click the custom button the page redirects, but never fully loads. There is no new entry in developer console log and I am left with w blank screen
I have also tried the example from the documentation here: (
And i get the same blank page result when I select records before clicking the custom button.
Any ideas?
<apex:page standardController="ContractLineItem" recordSetVar="cliList">
<!-- Related List mass edit VF page - invoked from List button on CLI RL -->
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock title="Contract Line Item Multirow Edit Form">
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
<apex:commandButton id="saveBtn" action="{!Save}" value="Update Contract Line Items"/>
<apex:commandButton id="cancelBtn" action="{!Cancel}" value="Cancel"/>
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable id="cliTable" value="{!selected}" var="cli"> <!-- {!selected} is ssc.getSelected() method result -->
<apex:column value="{!cli.lineItemNumber}"/>
<apex:column id="sku" value="{!cli.SKU__c}"/>
<apex:column id="skuQty" value="{!cli.SKU_Qty__c}"/>
<apex:column id="skuUom" value="{!cli.SKU_UoM__c}"/>
<apex:column id="unitPrice" value="{!cli.unitPrice}"/>
<apex:column id="totPrice" value="{!cli.totalPrice}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Start Date">
<apex:inputField id="startDate" value="{!cli.startDate}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="End Date">
<apex:inputField id="endDate" value="{!cli.EndDate}"/>
I created a page using the VF mark-up you provided and added a list button and the select checkboxes to my contractline item object. When I click the custom button the page redirects, but never loads. I just get a blank screen like I was getting with my custom button and VF page. I have tried in IE and Chrome and I'm getting the same result. If I open up the developer tools I can see the hidden inputs with ids of the selected records.
Sounds like maybe the issue is unique to my org. I guess I'll open a case and see what happens.
The custom button and VF page work as expected in firefox, but still only loads a blank page in chrome and IE. Any additional suggestions would be appreciated.