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Help with POST request
Iam trying to use http POST request to enter data from salesforce to external system. My WSDl file contans below soapAction
-<wsdl:operation name="AddCustomerData">
<soap12:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
Salesforce doesnot support SOAP 1.2 , so does that mean i cannot use the webservices for POSt operation too? The WSDL file i got only has SOAP12 operations. How can make it work so that i can use webservices to POST and GET data.
Iam trying to use http POST request to enter data from salesforce to external system. My WSDl file contans below soapAction
-<wsdl:operation name="AddCustomerData">
<soap12:operation style="document" soapAction=""/>
Salesforce doesnot support SOAP 1.2 , so does that mean i cannot use the webservices for POSt operation too? The WSDL file i got only has SOAP12 operations. How can make it work so that i can use webservices to POST and GET data.
You will have to get your hands dirty and edit the WSDL file to remove the WSDL 1.2 references.
I use Altova XML Spy because it displays all the 1.1 and 1.2 references graphically, so you can easily delete all the 1.2 stuff.
Hmmm, you might be able to covert the file to WSDL 1.1 using a converter, such as
Other than this, you would need to manually rewrite it. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Neihter have I! Lol.
Did the online converter I gave a link to not help?
Altova XML Spy would help you, there is a 30 day trial you can use:
There are hundreds of tutorials / examples on the web, you will need to invest some time in exploring these before you can hope to convert the file for salesforce to use.