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vivek singh 26vivek singh 26 

How we make its tracker please reply

public with sharing class clsNoticeToQuit {

  public boolean ShowHQ {get; set;}
    public boolean HideHQ {get; set;}
    public Date dDate {get; set;}
    public UserRole objUserRole {get; set;}
    public clsNoticeToQuit(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
      dDate = Date.valueOf(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('dd'));
      string RoleId = UserInfo.getUserRoleId();
    objUserRole = [Select u.Id, u.Name from UserRole u where id =:RoleId];
    if(objUserRole.Name == 'L4L HQ Partner Manager' || objUserRole.Name=='CEO')
               ShowHQ = true;
               HideHQ = false;
             ShowHQ = false;
               HideHQ = true;
Can you clarify what you mean by 'its tracker' ?  That doesn't mean anything to me I'm afraid.