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Aravind R
apex param is returning 0 everytime
I have a Map called Map<Integer,Wizard_Result__c> wizresults;
and my VF page is:
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wizresults}" var="wiz">
<apex:column headerValue="Question">
<apex:commandLink value="{!wizresults[wiz].Question__c}" action="{!submitQuesLink}" reRender="hiddenBlock">
<apex:param assignTo="{!coun}" value="{!wiz}"/>
But each time value of coun is returning 0.
and my VF page is:
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wizresults}" var="wiz">
<apex:column headerValue="Question">
<apex:commandLink value="{!wizresults[wiz].Question__c}" action="{!submitQuesLink}" reRender="hiddenBlock">
<apex:param assignTo="{!coun}" value="{!wiz}"/>
But each time value of coun is returning 0.
* Please use the "add code sample" button when adding your code to increase readability.
I think you forget the Name attribute in Param Tag.
Use this
I hope it'll be helpful for you!