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Christopher Pezza
Convert a deduped List to a Select Options in apex
Ok so I am trying to create a Select List in Visualforce of a list that was just deDuped with this code below:
When I do this the public List<SelectOption> won't let me save i get this Error: "Expression must be a list type: SET<String>" The line is: "options.add" line
public with sharing class CustomerHealth{ Set<String> cmSet = new Set<String>(); public CustomerHealth() { for(Customer_Health__c ch : [SELECT Customer_Success_Manager__c FROM Customer_Health__c WHERE Customer_Success_Manager__c <> ' ']){ cmSet.add(ch.Customer_Success_Manager__c); }//END for }//END public public List<SelectOption> getCSMItems() { List<SelectOption> csmoptions= new List<SelectOption>(); Decimal i; for (i=0; i < cmSet.size(); i++) { options.add(new SelectOption(cmSet[i], cmSet[i])); } return csmoptions; } }//END public with sharing
When I do this the public List<SelectOption> won't let me save i get this Error: "Expression must be a list type: SET<String>" The line is: "options.add" line
This is what im trying to output it in in visualforce:
Help please :)
<apex:selectList size="1" styleClass="btn btn-green btn-xs" value="{!CSMFilter}" onchange="RefreshTable1()"> <apex:selectOption value="{!cmSet}"></apex:selectOption> </apex:selectList>Now i have and actiofunction tied to it but its not relevant, This is before i tried adding the for loop. which i did a get of the deduped list to call that list and output it but i get this error when i do that: "Invalid selectOptions found. Use SelectOption type in Apex."
Help please :)
We Can't Use Set as array So We have to use List instead of Set or We have to itrate set values.
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Change Select Options Value With csmItems
Gopal Rathore
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We Can't Use Set as array So We have to use List instead of Set or We have to itrate set values.
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Change Select Options Value With csmItems
Gopal Rathore