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Janardhana ReddyJanardhana Reddy 

Sertifi E-sign Integration with salesforce

Can any one help on how to do integration Sertifi API integration with salesforce
Janardhana ReddyJanardhana Reddy
Hi Raja,
email is sending, but after sign in the pdf doc file is not saving to Sertifi eContract related list.
Where i was wrong , how can i save the pdf doc to econtract.
Janardhana ReddyJanardhana Reddy
Hi Raja,
I followed the document, but Sertifi Econtract not populating on Custom object.
How to implement Custom integration (sertifi)
Raja ReddyRaja Reddy
Janardhana Reddy,

Can you please attach 1 screenshot? So that we can investigate where we are lacking. 
Janardhana ReddyJanardhana Reddy
User-added image
Raja ReddyRaja Reddy
Janardhana Reddy

It says you have not created any records on custom object using Sertifi E-sign test. So, gIve a try with below steps:

Step 1. Open CUstom Object  record
Step 2. Click on "Sertifi E-sign test" button and submit/ok
Step 3. Repeat Step 1
Step 4. Check whether the created record is under the Sertifi EContratcs related list.(created record will display here)

If you still facing any issue, please let me know.

Janardhana ReddyJanardhana Reddy
Sertifi Econtract related list still not showing in Custom object.
Raja ReddyRaja Reddy
That means You have not installed the Sertifi Econtract properly. So Uninstall Sertifi Econtract and then Try to Configure it one more time by giving access to custom object.
Janardhana ReddyJanardhana Reddy
Can you help me on how to implement Custom integration of sertifi.
How to call the Sertifi Econtract object from a class that can work when document sent for sign request.