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Venkat Reddy sfdVenkat Reddy sfd 

Validation Rule for Start date not Working

I have Custom Field called Start_Date__c in my Custom Object. I have written Validation Rule for that. my requirement is whenever user creating a record the Start_Date__c shouldnt be past date, for this i have given validation rule: START_DATE__c < Today() 
Validation Working fine,

My requirement is, when user Edits the record in future without editing the start date, at that time validation triggering, it shouldnot fire at that time...
Example: user created record on 1st  nov 2014 and user Edited record on 5th november 2014 without editing the start date, validation rule not allowing user to save record with 01st november 2014. its shouldnot happen like this, could you please help me out.

Thanks in Advance...
Best Answer chosen by Venkat Reddy sfd
John PipkinJohn Pipkin

I think I understand your request. You only want the validation rule to enforce if it is created, not updated.

The criteria would then be
Start_Date__c < TODAY()

Is that what you are requesting?

All Answers

Simone CapelliSimone Capelli
Hi Venkat,
sorry but I don't understand your request. Can you explain more with a clear example?

John PipkinJohn Pipkin

I think I understand your request. You only want the validation rule to enforce if it is created, not updated.

The criteria would then be
Start_Date__c < TODAY()

Is that what you are requesting?
This was selected as the best answer
Jerome LusinchiJerome Lusinchi

Or Maybe you want the validation rule to be executed only when the Start Date is changed :

ISCHANGED(Start_Date__c) && Start_Date__c < TODAY()

Venkat Reddy sfdVenkat Reddy sfd
@John Pipkin

Thank you So much. its Working