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How to access values from Map
I am mapping accout with a custom object In a trigger. how can I access custom object fields from Account.
Here is my code..
Map<ID, Account> mapaccounts = new Map<ID, Account>([SELECT Id, Name, phone FROM Account]);
List<custom_object__c> RecodList = new List<custom_object__c>();
RecodList.add( new custom_object__c(Name=mapaccounts.get().Name, Phone__c =mapaccounts.get().Phone, custom_field__c =mapaccounts.get().account_field__c ))
Here is my code..
Map<ID, Account> mapaccounts = new Map<ID, Account>([SELECT Id, Name, phone FROM Account]);
List<custom_object__c> RecodList = new List<custom_object__c>();
RecodList.add( new custom_object__c(Name=mapaccounts.get().Name, Phone__c =mapaccounts.get().Phone, custom_field__c =mapaccounts.get().account_field__c ))
You have to pass the id of account in the map to get the record. For Example:
When you pass account id in get method this will return the account record and then your corresponding field.
Please mark it best if this helps you.
Grazitti Team
Map<Id, Account> mapaccounts = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, Name, phone FROM Account]);
List<custom_object__c> recodList = new List<custom_object__c>();
for(String accId : mapaccounts.keySet()){
recodList.add( new custom_object__c(Name=mapaccounts.get(accId).Name, Phone__c =mapaccounts.get(accId).Phone);
"Try this code."
Map<Id, Account> accmap= new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, Name, phone FROM Account]);
List<customobject__c> customList = new List<customobject__c>();
for(String accId : mapaccounts.keySet()){
customList.add( new customobject__c(Name=accmap.get(accId).Name, Phone__c =accmap.get(accId).Phone);
If you find your Solution then mark this as the best answer.
Thank you!
Suraj Tripathi