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public with sharing class Utils_SDF_Methodology {
public static final String BypassVar;//List of triggers that can be bypassed
System.Debug('## >>> Utils_SDF_Methodology constructor :BEGIN <<< run by ' + UserInfo.getName());
User user=[SELECT UserRole.Name,Profile.Name,BypassTriggers__c FROM User WHERE Id =:UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
System.Debug('## >>> Utils_SDF_Methodology constructor : END <<<');
I have to write a Test Class in which I have to user runAs(userX){ inside of which I want static init block of above class should run.}
I have created below code in my TEST method:
User LCRTestUser = Utils_TestMethods.createStandardUser('LCROwner');
LCRTestUser.BypassTriggers__c = 'AP33;AP20;AP_Case_CaseHandlerCaseBeforeInsert;AP10;AP41';
//Insert LCRTestUser ;
system.runas(LCRTestUser) {
System.debug('runAs Started');
// Test.startTest();
But still it is initializing with main user, Not the user which is in runAs().
System.debug('UserInfo.getName():'+UserInfo.getName()); in TEST method is providing name of the user who is in runAs. Static init block is executing after runAs but before this debug and is considering actual user.
Can I do anything so that it will consider user mentioned in runAs in static initialization block?
How to make static initialization consider user in runAs in Test class
public with sharing class Utils_SDF_Methodology {
public static final String BypassVar;//List of triggers that can be bypassed
System.Debug('## >>> Utils_SDF_Methodology constructor :BEGIN <<< run by ' + UserInfo.getName());
User user=[SELECT UserRole.Name,Profile.Name,BypassTriggers__c FROM User WHERE Id =:UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1];
System.Debug('## >>> Utils_SDF_Methodology constructor : END <<<');
I have to write a Test Class in which I have to user runAs(userX){ inside of which I want static init block of above class should run.}
I have created below code in my TEST method:
User LCRTestUser = Utils_TestMethods.createStandardUser('LCROwner');
LCRTestUser.BypassTriggers__c = 'AP33;AP20;AP_Case_CaseHandlerCaseBeforeInsert;AP10;AP41';
//Insert LCRTestUser ;
system.runas(LCRTestUser) {
System.debug('runAs Started');
// Test.startTest();
But still it is initializing with main user, Not the user which is in runAs().
System.debug('UserInfo.getName():'+UserInfo.getName()); in TEST method is providing name of the user who is in runAs. Static init block is executing after runAs but before this debug and is considering actual user.
Can I do anything so that it will consider user mentioned in runAs in static initialization block?
What is Utils_SDF_Methodology.PAD_BypassTrigger could you share the whole code of class Utils_SDF_Methodology