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System.AssertException: Assertion Failed
Hi, I am getting error as ''System.AssertException: Assertion Failed'. Please help.
Apex Trigger:
trigger FirstActivityDate on Task (before insert, before update) {
List<Id> leadIds=new List<Id>();
List<Id> ContatcIds=new List<Id>();
// Checking the condition for the trigger to fire
if(t.Status=='Completed' && t.Created_by_Role__c == TRUE && (t.whoId != null)){
//Querying the related Lead and Contact based on whereId on Task
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=[SELECT Id, First_Activity_Date__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leadIds AND IsConverted=FALSE AND First_Activity_Date__c=NULL];
List<Contact> contactToUpdate=[SELECT Id, First_Activity_Date__c FROM Contact WHERE Id IN :ContatcIds AND First_Activity_Date__c=NULL];
// updating the Lead and contact First Activity Date field
For (Lead l:leadsToUpdate){
l.First_Activity_Date__c =;
For (Contact c:contactToUpdate){
c.First_Activity_Date__c =;
update leadsToUpdate;
update contactToUpdate;
}catch(DMLException e){
system.debug('Leads were not all properly updated. Error: '+e);
Apex Class :
public class FirstActivityDateTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
//Create a test Lead
Lead ld = new Lead();
ld.FirstName = 'TestFirstName';
ld.LastName = 'TestLastName';
ld.Company = 'TestCompany';
ld.CountryCode = 'US';
insert ld;
//Assert that First_Activity_Date__c = Null
System.assertEquals(ld.First_Activity_Date__c, null);
//Create a test user
list<Profile> p1 = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name like 'System Administrator'];
User u1 = new User();
u1.FirstName = 'fName';
u1.LastName = 'lName';
u1.Email = '';
u1.Username = '';
u1.Alias ='Test123';
u1.CommunityNickname = 't123';
u1.TimeZoneSidKey ='America/New_York';
u1.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u1.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
u1.ProfileId = p1[0].id;
u1.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u1.Country = 'United Kingdom';
insert u1;
//Create a test Contact
Contact ct = new Contact();
ct.FirstName = 'TestFirstName';
ct.LastName = 'TestLastName';
insert ct;
//Assert that First_Activity_Date__c = Null
System.assertEquals(ct.First_Activity_Date__c, null);
//Create a test Task
Task tk = new Task();
tk.Subject = 'TestSubject';
tk.ActivityDate =;
tk.OwnerId = u1.Id;
tk.Status = 'Completed';
tk.WhoId = ld.Id;
insert tk;
//Create a test Task
Task t= new Task();
t.Subject = 'TestSubject';
t.ActivityDate =;
t.OwnerId = u1.Id;
t.Status = 'Completed';
t.WhoId = ct.Id;
insert t;
//Assert that First_Activity_Date__c != null
ld = [SELECT Id, First_Activity_Date__c FROM Lead WHERE Id = :ld.Id limit 1];
System.assertEquals(ld.First_Activity_Date__c != null);
Apex Trigger:
trigger FirstActivityDate on Task (before insert, before update) {
List<Id> leadIds=new List<Id>();
List<Id> ContatcIds=new List<Id>();
// Checking the condition for the trigger to fire
if(t.Status=='Completed' && t.Created_by_Role__c == TRUE && (t.whoId != null)){
//Querying the related Lead and Contact based on whereId on Task
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=[SELECT Id, First_Activity_Date__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leadIds AND IsConverted=FALSE AND First_Activity_Date__c=NULL];
List<Contact> contactToUpdate=[SELECT Id, First_Activity_Date__c FROM Contact WHERE Id IN :ContatcIds AND First_Activity_Date__c=NULL];
// updating the Lead and contact First Activity Date field
For (Lead l:leadsToUpdate){
l.First_Activity_Date__c =;
For (Contact c:contactToUpdate){
c.First_Activity_Date__c =;
update leadsToUpdate;
update contactToUpdate;
}catch(DMLException e){
system.debug('Leads were not all properly updated. Error: '+e);
Apex Class :
public class FirstActivityDateTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
//Create a test Lead
Lead ld = new Lead();
ld.FirstName = 'TestFirstName';
ld.LastName = 'TestLastName';
ld.Company = 'TestCompany';
ld.CountryCode = 'US';
insert ld;
//Assert that First_Activity_Date__c = Null
System.assertEquals(ld.First_Activity_Date__c, null);
//Create a test user
list<Profile> p1 = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name like 'System Administrator'];
User u1 = new User();
u1.FirstName = 'fName';
u1.LastName = 'lName';
u1.Email = '';
u1.Username = '';
u1.Alias ='Test123';
u1.CommunityNickname = 't123';
u1.TimeZoneSidKey ='America/New_York';
u1.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
u1.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
u1.ProfileId = p1[0].id;
u1.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
u1.Country = 'United Kingdom';
insert u1;
//Create a test Contact
Contact ct = new Contact();
ct.FirstName = 'TestFirstName';
ct.LastName = 'TestLastName';
insert ct;
//Assert that First_Activity_Date__c = Null
System.assertEquals(ct.First_Activity_Date__c, null);
//Create a test Task
Task tk = new Task();
tk.Subject = 'TestSubject';
tk.ActivityDate =;
tk.OwnerId = u1.Id;
tk.Status = 'Completed';
tk.WhoId = ld.Id;
insert tk;
//Create a test Task
Task t= new Task();
t.Subject = 'TestSubject';
t.ActivityDate =;
t.OwnerId = u1.Id;
t.Status = 'Completed';
t.WhoId = ct.Id;
insert t;
//Assert that First_Activity_Date__c != null
ld = [SELECT Id, First_Activity_Date__c FROM Lead WHERE Id = :ld.Id limit 1];
System.assertEquals(ld.First_Activity_Date__c != null);
if you modify a record during a trigger execution it won't modify the copy of the object being referenced by the class, so altough you assigned to First_Activity_Date__c, this change is not "visible" from the copy referenced by the class, what you need to do is run a SOQL query to retrieve the modified version from the Database.
The only field that's updated in the class referenced copy of the object when performing a DML is the Id field during an insert operation.
Hope that helps.
I didn't quite understand it. What should be my code look like?