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Nihar SharmaNihar Sharma 

what is system.assert?

Best Answer chosen by Nihar Sharma
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Please check below post. I hope that will help u

1) To Test for your desired result (POSITIVE)
2) To Test for common errors (NEGATIVE)
3) To Test as the user(s) and profile(s) that will use this functionality

Please let us know if this will help u

All Answers

Hengky IlawanHengky Ilawan
Have you checked the documentation?

Nihar SharmaNihar Sharma
Hey Khaiwong

Thank you for this.:)
Amit Chaudhary 8Amit Chaudhary 8
Please check below post. I hope that will help u

1) To Test for your desired result (POSITIVE)
2) To Test for common errors (NEGATIVE)
3) To Test as the user(s) and profile(s) that will use this functionality

Please let us know if this will help u
This was selected as the best answer