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Guy KeshetGuy Keshet 

FYI- Beware of deploying batch job changes, while they are running

Since WI15, SFDC allow deploying changes to batch jobs while they are running
We found out today a potential problem this raises:
We added a new field to a batch process. Post deployment, SFDC threw an 'SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field' error.

It seems that as the batch job was running at the same time as the code was deployed, a data subset has been queried using the old code, while the processing batch used the new code

luckily for us we reprocess failed records automatically, so no real issue , but it's something worth considering when releasing batch job changes
Seen the same thing before too (we were in the pilot for the feature) - that's what this warning message is for :)Warning message
Good to know. Thanks for sharing..

- Harsha