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João Barreto 4João Barreto 4 

Formula - TEXT(MONTH( Birthdate ))

This formula return the number of the month but, if it is in january it will only return "1" and i need the "01".
Can anyone help? thanks in advance!!
This should work!
Right('0' & Text(Month( Birthdate )),2)

I believe the below will work for you if you only want the '0' on months 1-9:
if(MONTH( Birthdate )<10, '0'+TEXT(MONTH( Birthdate )),TEXT(MONTH( Birthdate )))
João Barreto 4João Barreto 4
Thank you both, both ways work fine...
I found out latter a way to do with a CASE()... Just imagine how big is the formula:

CASE(TEXT(MONTH(Birthdate )), "1","01","2","02","3","03","4","04","5","05","6","07","8","08","9","09","10","10","10","11","12","12", "")